40k: 1000pts Practice

kingbreakers-iconTom M and I got in two good games of 40k last night at Redcap’s. We played 1000 pts on a 4×4 table, Kingbreakers versus Tom’s Custodes (Grey Knights). Having not played since February it was important for me to refresh before the upcoming tournament on Saturday, Tom got in a few more games learning Grey Knights, and we both got to test our armies a little before the small-armies May tournament.

There are more photos than those here in the Flickr gallery.


Kingbreakers brought a just slightly funny list:

  • Capt Angholan—Vulkan
  • Ghosts (Sternguard) x5 w/ 3x Combi-Meltas and Poweraxe in Drop Pod
  • Tacticals x6 w/ Vet Sgt, Powerfist+Boltgun, Flamer, Drop Pod
  • Tacticals x10 w/ Vet Sgt, Chainsword+Bolt Pistol, Meltagun, Missile Launcher, Razorback
  • Scouts x5 w/ Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles
  • Predator w/ Autocannon, Heavy Bolter sponsons
  • Imperial Bunker

To some extent this was dictated by what I’ve got painted that makes any sense in 1000 points. Only the scouts aren’t finished, and I might be able to get them done by the tournament if they stay in the list (questionable). The big thoughts before this weekend are the related questions of keeping the scouts, working in a quadgun, and/or switching that Razorback for a Drop Pod.

The Custodes fielded something like:

  • A Grand Master w/ Thunderhammer
  • Dreadnoughts x2 w/ 2x Autocannons
  • Terminators x5 w/ Halberds
  • Purifiers x5 w/ Halberds w/ Rhino
  • Purgation Squad x5 w/ Psycannons

That’s not a lot of dudes!

Custodes ready for action.

Custodes ready for action.

Game 1

First battle we played 12″ deployment, 4 objectives, Tom went first. He placed his two objectives fairly wide apart along his back edge. I clustered mine up into one corner near my bunker. Scouts infiltrated up into a center position overlooking the whole table but were quickly swept off the board by psycannon fusillade. Kingbreakers Ghosts crashed through the roof of an administratum building and onto a Custodes objective, blasting away a Dreadnought with combi-melta fire to claim First Blood. Terminators ganged up on Captain Angholan and managed to bring him down with their lightning quick halberds. The Kingbreakers immediately avenged his death, a lucky long range krak missile from the Kingbreakers’ base obliterating the Grand Master amid a hail of heavy weapons fire from the tanks charging his position on the other Custodes objective. Sgt Scolirus crumpled the hull of the remaining dreadnought with his powerfist but was himself caught out by the remaining Terminators. Both Kingbreakers’ and one Custodes’ objective safely locked down, the endgame became a delicate dance of tank shocks and troop movements as the Kingbreakers attempted to physically push the Custodes off their remaining objective with a Predator and Razorback, to no avail.


Tied on objectives, tied on Slay, Kingbreakers eek out a victory with First Blood.

Kingbreakers Ghosts crash the party!

Kingbreakers Ghosts crash the party!

Captain Angholan goes down swinging.

Captain Angholan goes down swinging.

Yet more house crashing!

Yet more house crashing!

Game 2

Next round we used the same table setup, corners deployment, 1 objective each, Kingbreakers attack first. Each of us put our objectives right back into the corner positions we had both used last game. Taking a strategic change following the first game, Tom prepped his Terminators to deep strike and placed the Purifiers and their transport into reserve. This was fairly threatening as my home objective had a nice little landing area around it, and the Scouts and Tactical Combat Squad originally deployed to hold my objective would not be able to do much about incoming GK Terminators. However, trying to fill the space and make landing there more risky as well as to have more shooting on hand would mean dedicating even more resources to doing nothing in the early part of the game until those Terminators hit.

In the end I decided to go for it and leave the home base to fend for itself. I figured even if they failed, hopefully Tom and I would just swap objectives and still tie out. All of the Kingbreakers’ mobile forces went hard after the Custodes’ home objective—Drop Pods, Predator, Razorback, everybody made haste and wedged themselves into that one little corner. Ghosts again claimed First Blood, crashing through a building to wipe out a Dreadnought. Vulkan and Tactical 1 flamed the opposing power armor off the board, and Sgt Scolirus crushed the other Dreadnought in his crackling powerfist.

Everybody piles in.

Everybody piles in.

The opposing objective secured, the Kingbreakers’ vehicles about-faced and began rushing headlong to support their own home base. The Heavy Custodes had deep struck directly onto the KB objective and immediately eliminated the Scouts in withering stormbolter fire. Taking discretion as the better part of valor, the defensive Tactical Squad retreated into their bunker and laughed grimly as the Custodes outside beat on its AV14 shell to negligible effect. Meanwhile, the Kingbreakers tanks wound up in perfect position to intercept the incoming Custodes transport on the fly. Squad Titus leapt from their Razorback on the run, meltagunning the rear armour of the hovertank. With precision timing, the supporting Predator immediately swept the side rank of the troops spilling out of the Custodes’ flaming wreckage while the Tactical Squad in the bunker ahead also peppered them with fire. The Purifiers devastated, the Razorback hung back on mop-up duty while Sgt Titus lead his men to shore up the Kingbreakers’ home objective while the Predator began trimming away the Terminators. Reinforcements in sight, Titus’ defensive Combat Squad charged from their bunker and directly engaged the Terminators, tieing them up.


Custodes withdraw in the face of an unavoidable loss.

Heavy Custodes storm the Kingbreakers' base.

Heavy Custodes storm the Kingbreakers’ base.

General Thoughts

Hiding out in the bunker for much of the second game felt kind of cheesy, but worked out exactly as I hoped it might when selecting the fortification in my list. The theory is that at this point level there just isn’t going to be that much around which can really go after an AV14 building, which is actually more robust than a similarly armored vehicle. Tom was reduced to trying to crack it with a single thunderhammer and a melta grenade. He did manage to reduce the armor value but by that point it was too late and the guys inside were at full strength to run out and grab or at least contest the home objective at the end.

Making up my army I’d been hedging back and forth about switching the Razorback to a Drop Pod, both to shave points and to have two landing on Turn 1. I was definitely glad I didn’t though as mobility took the day in the second game. Those guys literally went from my deployment zone, to the far corner in case Tactical 1 got ripped up in claiming that objective, and then all the way back to the opposite corner to cover my own objective. One of the things I had to get used to when I started playing 40k in 4th edition was that it wasn’t like a video game. Squads just couldn’t go running all around the table tackling different tasks; at best they might make it ~24 inches. Then in 5th they got a lot more mobile with running and more efficient transports. In 6th there’s even more mobility with the basic transports moving flat out, let alone the flyers. It sounds like units will get even more mobile in 7th with difficult terrain being reduced to -2 inches. I have mixed feelings about that particular change, but the general increase in mobility is much to the improvement of the game.

Finally, I had great fun crashing Drop Pods and tanks through all manner of buildings in these games. All those buildings though really hampered my Scouts. The buildings were designed for Infinity and have fewer windows and ruined sections than typical 40k terrain. This cut down the shooting lanes pretty hard and gave few places for the Scouts to hang out in cover—they were either completely visible or had no sightlines. As such their cloaks were useless and both games they and their 4+ armour were quickly swept off the board. There’s potentially a general consideration there in playing at Redcap’s in the future. The store’s built up a substantial collection of Infinity terrain, and it gets used quite a bit so it’s usually out on the tables. I’m sure the guys are cognizant of the differences between the two types of terrain so I don’t expect it to have a ton of impact in tournaments. I do expect though to have a few more tables now and then with very limited sightlines but no cover within those sightlines. For pickup games this is definitely something to be prepared for unless you take the effort to ensure you wind up on a 40k table.

Again, there are more photos in the Flickr gallery.

Everybody back!

Everybody back!

40k: Praetors In Progress

Kingbreakers' leadership loses its head(s)...

Kingbreakers’ leadership loses its head(s)…

It’s a small thing, but Angholan’s base I’m particularly happy with (dude on the left). A long established part of his deal is that he, sergeant at the time, was crushed in a building collapse in the fall of Forestway to the Legio Apex, and was the last man recovered from the rubble by the Imperial Fists before the planet was declared Exterminatus. Much of that was inspired by the much slimmer build of his previous Emperor’s Champion model, the idea being that he was completely shattered and after being rebuilt from the boots up isn’t bulked out like a standard Marine.

Previously I’d never come up with some appropriate site for that keystone event. What would be worth not just him and his squad sacrificing themselves, but then the Fists doing a final sweep right before bombarding the planet?

Then the obvious answer hit me out of the blue the other day: The gene-seed vault in the Kingbreakers’ chapter monastery. Clearly the whole chapter would be willing to bring the house down on top of themselves rather than risk Nurgle Chaos Marines getting their slimy hands on it. It would also make sense for the Fists, in the process of evacuating whoever and whatever they could from Forestway in its last moments, to do a last check there to see if there was anything salvageable.

That detail about the vault doesn’t really show up, but that’s the story on the base. It’s a bit of broken wall and a balcony statuette from some Cityfight bits I have from building terrain at Redcap’s, with some sprue shavings sprinkled on, representing his rise from the rubble in that foundational story of him & the chapter.

I’d say the knife’s there crossed with the death’s head eagle to represent a life of constant struggle and fighting to the death for the Imperium, but it’s probably just about stabbin’ dudes/daemons.

40k: Legion Praetors on the Drying Rack

My first ever order of Forge World stuff came in recently, just some infantry dudes in a group order Redcap’s organized. These Praetors will be the first to go together.

Capt Angholan, all washed up.

Capt Angholan, all washed up.

They actually seemed totally clean, but I figure if you’re going to get Forge World you should go through the whole process of washing off the mold release agent and so on. Mold lines, flash, and such also seem pretty good. The big thing that will have to be done is straightening out a slightly warped sword.

The Terminator styled guy is going to become new, epic-styled Captain Angholan. The Emperor’s Champion model I use now works well but its particularly slim cut and my very very minor conversions don’t convey well his stat line, particularly the 3++ Invulnerable, and weapons, particularly the Heavy Flamer. More importantly, though the paint job is pretty reasonable, it could really use some washing to bring out the depths a bit and tone down the shinyness in photos, but I can’t bring myself to go back and rework him at all.

I’m not sure yet what I’ll do with this other model. They’re not super posable or convertible, so options are a touch limited. The leading candidate right now is Sergeant for a Command Squad.

Forge World's preview photo.

Forge World’s preview photo.