40k: Rise of the Maynarkh! (1850 pts)

kingbreakers-iconFairly busy night at Redcap’s this evening, four games of 40k and one Infinity match going. The Necron Maynarkh Dynasty threw down against the Kingbreakers in an 1850 pt challenge.

A few more photos are in the Flickr gallery.

Follow the portents, the relic must be here!

Follow the portents, the relic must be here!


Lovell switched up his army, dropping the flyers in favor of Flayed Ones and Tomb Spyders. This is using the Dark Harvest army list from Forge World’s book IA12: The Fall of Orpheus. That is a great book with a lot of neat photos, definitely worth checking out. The automatons fielded:

  • Maynarkh Overlord w/ Royal Court consisting of 2x Harbingers of Despair, 2x Maynarkh Lords
  • Destroyer Lord
  • Immortals x10
  • Immortals x10
  • Flayed Ones x10
  • Flayed Ones x10
  • Canoptek Spyder
  • Canoptek Spyder
  • Monolith
  • Monolith

Kingbreakers rolled kind of light on troops:

  • Capt Angholan—Vulkan
  • Ghost Squad Harmon—Sternguard x10 w/ 6x Combi-Meltas, Poweraxe, Drop Pod
  • Squad Scolirus—Tacticals x10 w/ Vet Sgt, Powerfist+Boltgun, Flamer, Missile Launcher, Drop Pod
  • Squad Titus—Tacticals x10 w/ Vet Sgt, Chainsword+Bolt Pistol, Meltagun, Missile Launcher, Rhino
  • Scouts x5 w/ 5x Camo Cloaks, 4x Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher
  • Devastators x10 w/ Chainsword+Bolt Pistol+Signum, 2x Plasmacannons, 2x Heavy Bolters
  • Predator w/ Autocannon, Heavy Bolters
  • Predator w/ Autocannon, Heavy Bolters
  • Landspeeder w/ Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
  • Landspeeder w/ Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
  • Landspeeder w/ Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
  • Inquisitor Coteaz
  • Imperial Bunker w/ 2x Void Shields

That list has fewer troops than I usually take for this point level. Much of it is a first attempt at a response to the Dark Angels/Blood Angels list Colin’s talking about bringing to the Redcap’s tournament later this month. The idea is basically to have all the Devastators camp out with Coteaz on top of the bunker, under the Void Shields. Colin drops a bunch of Terminators all around my fortress of party-times and Coteaz enables the Devastators to shoot plasma blasts at each of their tight little deep strike clusters. If I get to go first and have success with the warp dice, they’re doing that boosted by Prescience. I then get another turn of shooting at them because they won’t be able to assault and the void shields will completely deflect all of the storm bolter fire and so on. The downside is then I’m investing a lot of points to just hang out around the bunker.

Cowering Scouts, run for the objective, you fools!

Cowering Scouts, run for the objective, you fools!


Lovell has a special rule that if you don’t roll for The Relic mission, you roll again. We’ve literally played that about three out of every four of our matches. Deployment was standard Dawn of War. Lovell deployed first and went first.


The local planetary government falls and flees the planet in widespread panic as half a continent goes jet black beneath the mid-day sun. Rapidly investigating, the Kingbreakers find an Imperial Inquisitor steadfastly searching for lost archeotech that is no doubt the shared target of whatever’s coming behind the unnatural storm. Scanning through records in the local archive, the Inquisitor is beaten to the punch as a host of Necrons suddenly materialize on the outskirts and begin marching on the town. Far on the flank, a rusty, hunched Overlord from the corrupt, neglected Maynarkh Dynasty is seen laughing as it casually tortures captured human civilian and oversees the field. Ghosts dispatch to assassinate it and the foul machines groveling at its feet, but are unable to do so before it shifts back out of the materium.

Can't get out that way!

Can’t get out that way!

Following coordinates radioed in by Scouts reconnoitering far into contested territory, Kingbreakers identify the focal point of the enemy thrust. Unsure of their objective or the stakes in play but unwilling to yield to the xenos, Kingbreakers heavy tanks create a mobile shield wall rolling directly at the automatons’ ranks. They are met though by sheets of sparking green lightning as sheets of gauss fire ripples over their armor. The Predators begin to take casualties and the wall falls into disarray. Bursting into overdrive over the wreckage, Landspeeders are skewered by a giant Spyder construct raging in its mind-loss, hurling the wreckage into the Scouts overseeing the battle and crushing them in their position. Behind the wall of wreckage, Squad Titus is caught by a Destroyer Lord before being picked apart by his pack of Flayed Ones. Their appetite for raw flesh unsated, the ghouls quickly move to intercept the out-positioned Ghosts running back toward the action from the flanks.

Aw, gross, you need to do some clean laundry, dudes.

Aw, gross, you need to do some clean laundry, dudes.

Watching his forces grind to a halt, Captain Angholan and Squad Scolirus drop behind the Necron line just as they find whatever they came for and turn about-face. The automatons march on though, unphased by the ground set ablaze all around them. Contemptful of the fleshlings’ audacity, all of the Necron Lords converge to fight in synchronized lethality with the captain, binding him in combat and unable to challenge for the relic. The identity and condition of the archeotech is never established as an unbreakable wall of Monoliths slowly drifts into position blocking the Necron retreat from all observation and fire.


Victory for the Maynarkh! Necrons claim the relic, first blood, and linebreaker, versus the Kingbreakers’ linebreaker.

We've taken what we came for!

We’ve taken what we came for!


I upped the Devastators to a full squad to have ablative wounds for the heavy weapons. I figured that protected my investment in Coteaz since he wouldn’t be as useful if the heavies died. However, those combined with the void shields and the bunker’s battlements cover were probably redundant. Either the dudes or the shields could and probably should be cut back.

The Landspeeders unfortunately did little. As always they’re super fragile, but they’re especially not well matched against Lovell’s army. The multi-meltas are only really useful against the Monoliths, both of which tend to come from reserve and avoid some turns of shooting. Especially without the Salamanders’ reroll under the new codex, the heavy flamers aren’t super lethal against the Necron. Plus they can’t really help with the relic, as opposed to more straightforward objective missions when their mobility is a boost to help cover the table.

One mistake was I tried to fight the Flayed Ones rather than ignoring them as best as possible. I keep thinking they’re less robust to shooting than they actually are now. My vehicles should have been cruising and going flat out to just drive away from them. They’d still have to be faced at some point as the Monoliths could beam them back into the action, but at least it would have been near the relic.

Well, we could just stand here and look at each other. Or we could go for burgers.

Well, we could just stand here and look at each other. Or we could go for burgers.

I made a substantial mistake at the start of the game when I managed to Infiltrate the Scouts within reach of the relic but did not go for it the first turn. I was thinking they would have been shot to pieces standing there in full sight of many Immortals. But I probably should have just tried. It would have changed things a lot if I’d managed to move the relic just a few inches closer to my lines. Definitely worth a few Scouts’ lives in such service to the Emperor!

Lovell ran a good feint here, putting his warlord out on the flank. I fell right for it, going after him with the Sternguard. They didn’t manage to do much and then of course the Overlord used a Monolith to warp himself into the action, leaving the Sternguard well out of position and out of the fight.

On that note, the big issue here though was a lack of mobility. I couldn’t get the Sternguard back in, and I had a bunch of guys basically dedicated to camping out around the bunker. I should have basically abandoned that from the start of the game and started running dudes toward the relic. Similarly the Sternguard and Scouts should have just piled into the center and in hopes that the Marines would win out in the massive scrum likely to ensue.

Bring Me Their Flesh!

All in all a good game that Lovell won outright through steady substantial attrition of all my forces in position to really threaten the relic. We’ll just have to see how the Maynarkh fare when I switch to my all-Librarians army!

Again, a few more photos are in the Flickr gallery.

Oh my! All that noise! All that racket! I hope they don't notice me poor little gubbins!

Oh my! All that noise! All that racket! I hope they don’t notice me poor little gubbins!

40k: Necron Lords with Res Orbs

Reinforcements for the Maynarkh!

Wait, what are we looking for again?  I don't see it.

Wait, what are we looking for again? I don’t see it.

These two clowns are always picking fights with Captain Angholan so the Kingbreakers abducted them recently to get them into some proper paint. As expected they were super quick to do up:

  • Prime: Army Painter spray white
  • Staff: Brass Scorpion base, Mithril Silver drybrush, Nuln Oil wash
  • Cloak: Mechrite Red base, Blood Red drybrush, Nuln Oil wash along the bottom edge & deepest crevices, Baal Red wash
  • Body: Leadbelcher base, Mithril Silver drybrush, Nuln Oil wash
  • Base: Skavenblight Dinge, Codex Gray drybrush, Nuln Oil wash
  • Base Rim: Abaddon Black

Unfortunately some of the drybrushing and pick-outs, like on the cloaks, eyes, and supposed-to-be gold chest symbols, got lost a bit somewhere between the washes and matte sealing. I’m still happy with them though, particularly given how fast they were to do. Again I went with the dirty, grubby look to match my style, fast painting, and how I see the Maynarkh as clawing their way out of crumbling, broken tombs. The burgundy/metal scheme matches the first batch of Night Scythes.

And 3, 2, 1, twirl!

And 3, 2, 1, twirl!

The bases actually took the most colors and steps, because of the badges. At first I put on a Dark Angels badge to be all “Haha, Jason’s guys are dead!” but then added a Templar badge to the other one so Lovell had an easy reference point to give opponents: “Yes, the Dark Angels killer has this rule I penciled in that grants his whole unit 2x range, while the Templar one has this other pencil-rule that lets them jump into Night Scythes with The Relic.”

That's a ton of paints for an effectively 3-color model...

That’s a ton of paints for an effectively 3-color model…

Unfortunately the base terrain doesn’t match the nice desert orange gravel Lovell has on his other infantry. But I wasn’t going to be easily able to really match that anyway, short of figuring out what terrain kit it was from or getting some from him (and these were kind of a spur of the moment thing, I wanted to get them back ASAP as he uses them all the time). I also thought that brighter basing goes well with his infantry and their black shoulders and cleaner look, but would clash with the burgundy and heavy washing here.

Plus, these guys were on slotta-bases, so I was either going to have to greenstuff the bases quite a bit, working around the feet and under the cloaks, or build up some rubble. I went with the rubble mostly because it was faster and easier, but partly to reference the Necron abilities to destroy vehicles and buildings. Originally the rubble was going to be colored to match the badges as if it was paneling and debris from Space Marine vehicles, but again I decided big blocks of other colors would detract from the nice simple contrast of the burgundy/metal scheme.

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.

40k: Doom Scythes!

A sure sign you have too many Night/Doom Scythes is if you manage to leave an entire box of them behind after an Apocalypse battle. Tragically Lovell is not going to learn any lesson from this except that he should do it again as it seemingly results in his flyers being magically painted:

Whispering harbingers of doom!

Whispering harbingers of doom!

Fortunately for him my vegan tendencies prohibited me from painting them up in Kingbreakers colors and associating that glorious chapter with the kind of odoriferous cheese that is fielding no less than seven Necron flyers.







I’m pretty happy with these guys. The really simple scheme meant they painted up pretty quickly caveat just the sheer size of the surfaces and number of bits, but I think it still looks good with the big nicely contrasting blocks. I should have sprayed them metal to begin with but erroneously did not think I had any on hand and didn’t feel like going to get some. They’ve been washed just like all my other guys, so they have the same sort of worn and dirty look to them. I debated that style decision for a while but Lovell prefers to play the Maynarkh Dynasty—the crazy, deranged, neglected, particularly cruel and underhanded Necron well on their way to all devolving into flayed ones—so I thought that look was appropriate.









Even with the paint scheme I was tempted to put some hidden Kingbreakers decals on, but sadly am running short. The bases though were done up in the same kind of mud and debris terrain as my Marines since they wind up fighting so often.

Drone wreckage.

Drone wreckage.

Internals from some long abandoned machine of war.

Internals from some long abandoned machine of war.

Bits and pieces of piping from a long gone facility.

Bits and pieces of piping from a long gone facility.

There’s a whole other squadron more of these still to hit the painting table and match, so more to come!