First Questions in Tabletop Tournament Organization

A local Infinity player is looking to start organizing tournaments and asked if I have any notes. This is a rough cut of the most basic questions and topics I can think of that should be addressed in initial planning of a tabletop gaming event. Much of it is not specific to Infinity, 40k, or even miniatures wargaming.


How many players can you accommodate?

  • How much space do you have available at your venue?
    • In addition to the playing surfaces, each player needs some adjacent space for their models not in play, dice, tokens, templates, books, etc..
      • Infinity: Standard 4’x4′ match is ideally played on a 6’x4′ table, giving both players side table space.
      • 40k: Standard 4’x6′ match is ideally played on a 4’x8′ or even 4×10′ table.
        • Reasonably common for 40k players to bring carts and stands for their armies and accessories, especially with notice of table space being limited.
    • Other solutions might be possible.
      • E.g., Redcap’s has custom built wargaming tables with space underneath the playing surfaces that players can use. For the biggest events we have used the full surface of every single table for playing.
      • Some other venues use stools or benches for side tables if they don’t have enough table surface.
  • What size army lists will you permit?
    • Infinity: 300pts of Infinity requires 4’x4′ playing areas, 200 pts requires 2’x3′, etc
  • What are your COVID policies and protocols?
    • Many venues are limiting participation to better foster distancing.

In addition to the space, does the venue have a sufficient quantity of sturdy enough tables?

Local organizers: If necessary and we can coordinate logistics, I have a stash of ~8+ suitable folding tables that can be used. They’re from hosting PAGE events back when there were no gaming shops in the city.


What’s your schedule going to be?

  • What times do players prefer?
  • What hours will the store support?
  • How many hours do you need?
    • Need about an hour before dice start rolling to get boards setup.
      • Players will arrive, unpack, get settled in this period as well.
    • For each round need however much time is permitted, plus wrapping up, making pairings, etc..
      • How quickly can you turn around updated rankings & pairings?
    • Need additional 30–60 minutes after conclusion at minimum to wrap everything up, tear down boards, pack up, and clear everybody out.
    • Depending on time of day and length of the event it’s not at all uncommon to incorporate lunch/dinner/etc breaks into the schedule.

How long will each round be?

  • What size army lists will you permit?
    • Larger games mostly take longer in general, but it’s definitely not a linear relationship.
  • Are your posted round time limits a dice-down hard stop or a point after which final actions or the last game round are played out?
  • Infinity: Typically ~2 hour rounds.
    • Historically Infinity was supposed to be very fast to play. Full size tournaments might schedule 75–90 minutes matches.
    • Realistically, in modern Infinity and in our player community, you need to budget 2hrs per match for 300pt games.
  • 40k: Typically ~3 hour rounds.


Is there a registration fee?

Can players register in advance? How?

Must players register in advance?

How will you get the word out about the event?

  • Not worth worrying too much about putting in a special effort on this unless you’re advertising at least 2 weeks in advance.


Will there be prizes? What are they?

  • For Infinity tournaments you can get a prize pack for official ITS events, but it’s a hassle to acquire and pricey for what it includes (see below).
  • Many players might be willing to donate merchandise, models, terrain, etc., to a prize pool.
  • And/or have a registration fee and put it toward store credit prizes.
    • Big plus of this, and the main reason we have a $5 entry fee for most Redcap’s Infinity tournaments, is that it sends at least some money toward the store.


What type of event will it be?

  • Is it a tournament, casual play, a narrative event, etc?

If a tournament, what’s the format of the event and missions?

  • What are the scoring metrics? What is the ranking formula? What is the pairing algorithm?
  • For Infinity, is it ITS or not, and if so is it official ITS or not?
    • Official ITS event, registered in the system and everything.
      • Plus side of this is it provides a small level of advertising via people looking for events on ITS, and maybe attracts people who are interested in having games count toward their ITS rankings and not so interested in organized play otherwise.
      • Costs $7 for a virtual code to register the event in ITS. Some people might have codes they can give you.
      • An ITS event prize pack w/ event code is like $40 and takes a long while to ship. Unless it’s changed recently, distributors don’t carry them, so the shops can’t get them cheaper or quicker.
    • ITS format, but not an officially registered ITS event.
      • Uses the ITS tournament rules, missions, etc., with which players are familiar, but is more low-key and doesn’t require an event code. ITS rules & mission packet has a solid writeup in detail of how everything is supposed to work—table sizes, pairings, etc..
      • Downside is results don’t go into players’ rankings.
      • This is the most common style of Infinity event at Redcap’s.
    • Other mission pack and format.
      • Not sure what the state of things are in N4, but in prior editions there were a large number of alternative missions packs.


How will you conduct the scoring, ranking, and pairing?

  • For even a few players you realistically need software to make sure everything gets calculated correctly & quickly.
  • There are a variety of apps and software available, both free and commercial, for doing tournament pairings.
  • Infinity has a couple options

Will you print out score cards, or players just verbally report?

Will you print out mission packs, and if so how?

  • Don’t underestimate the cost & time involved in this for large and/or complicated events.


Do you have or how will you get access to enough terrain for all the boards?

  • Note that the terrain in many shops is geared toward 40k, which often doesn’t work well for Infinity (too much open line of sight, pieces too big, etc).
  • It’s common for Infinity events for players to bring terrain and setup boards. Just gotta make clear in advance they should do so.

Local organizers: If necessary and we can coordinate logistics, I have a good amount of terrain for Infinity and 40k in addition to what I’ve donated to Redcap’s.

Objective Markers

Do you have or how will you get enough objective markers?

  • Players can work something out on the spot in a pinch, but don’t usually carry enough suitable objective markers on themselves all the time for all missions. With advance notice though they can generally bring enough.
  • Some players might be able to provide, either by having on hand or making, a large number of objective markers.
  • Poker chips will also work well and are cheap.
    • Make sure to announce before matches begin whether they are to be played as silhouettes or non-blocking markers.

Local organizers: If necessary and we can coordinate logistics, I might be able to provide a number of consistent 3D objective markers. Redcap’s Infinity and many 40k events use a box of markers I made.


Mike S from PARA surprised Alice & I with this absolutely gorgeous 3x upscale of R3 at the most recent launch meet. I can’t understate how great this model looks and how much it meant that he built it. We didn’t want to take too many risks with the corn, but it had an excellent debut flight on a B6-2.

R3 at BT60 size.

Takeoff! (photo by Tanya M)

Stretch Stubby

Upon returning from being on the West Coast for July, Alice & I hustled a bit to get a new rocket of hers ready for the August PARA launch just a few days later:

Alice’s ASP Stretch Stubby.

It’s a Stretch Stubby kit from ASP that we received as a surprise gift in an order from a Fourth-of-July sale. It’s one member of a family of “Stubby” rockets from ASP, the other, shorter, ones being actually stubby. We were immediately intrigued to see that the rocket’s made up of several sections of tube, not one. That meant we could convert the kit just a bit so that it can be prepped and launched with any combination and ordering of the sections. Seeing how easy it’d be, I was actually a bit surprised the kit wasn’t designed explicitly to do so. In any event, having distinct sections like that would make it really easy for Alice to paint them in different colors. She was also very interested in being able to change the configuration before each flight. So she got to work on a sketch of her desired paint scheme and I made up a simulation model to evaluate the stability of different length configurations.

Alice’s design sketch.

Simulation in OpenRocket of full 4-segment Stretch Stubby.

Simulation in OpenRocket of minimal 1-segment Stretch Stubby.

Design & Construction

It turned out all of the configurations were projected to be stable without modification except for flying with solely the tail and nosecone. To add just a little challenge, shifting the center of gravity far enough ahead of the center of pressure in that minimal setup would require a lot of weight if added at the base of the nosecone—the weight would be practically right at the center of pressure given the minimal body length. The ballast had to go at the very tip of the nosecone, and ideally only in this configuration. So I swapped the gorgeous BT-60 MS balsa nosecone from the kit with a plastic one I had laying around. I cut the shoulder open and made a 3D printed screw-in compartment that could be epoxied into the tip. With more time I would have designed & printed a whole nosecone with an integral compartment, but we were on a tight schedule. That compartment provides a place to firmly secure varying weights right at the farthest forward point of the rocket. It also holds the weight in a fixed position rather than swinging about if it was just clipped to the line. The hollow nosecone also let the parachute be packed inside, shifting that weight forward as well. The compartment’s plug additionally serves as the tie down anchor for the shock cord. After unscrewing it and unhooking the parachute’s snap swivel attachment, the line passes easily through the tube sections for swapping them in and out.

After assembling the rocket together, Alice painted it precisely to her previously devised specifications. Her spray painting has improved quite visibly the past few months. Size and weight of the cans is still a challenge, even with a pistol grip attachment, but she’s gotten vastly better at not spraying the paint on too thickly in one go. This time she did though thoroughly entertain herself by “accidentally” heavily spray painting my hand purple while I was holding the nosecone for her. Periodically for days afterward she would randomly stop amid some other activity and ask “Daddy, why’s your hand purple??” and cackle wildly.

In the end, having constructed, finished, and weighed everything to update the simulation with real numbers, a 20g fishing weight tucked into the compartment was projected to make the minimal configuration satisfactorily stable.

Gluing the tube couplers into the body sections.

Covering a fin with sandable wood sealer so they can be smoothed out (full disclosure, this is a fin for another rocket we did a little work on at the same time but haven’t finished yet).

Nosecone ballast compartment, screw-in plug & shock cord mount, and parachute swivel snap.

The disassembled assembled rocket.

First Launch

Alice prepping her rocket. (photo by Mike S)

Notes on motors and configurations for prepping the rocket at the field.

Our first launch of the completed-just-in-time rocket was pretty successful. However, after that one just-slightly-creepy retrieval from deep in the corn, and rightly afraid of losing the rocket forever amid the field of 7+ foot tall stalks, Alice decided to call the day a success without trying out all configurations of the rocket. She says we’ll do that once the harvest is done…

Alice wading into the corn on a retrieval mission.

Stretch Stubby, I presume?