Infinity: WIP Infantry

I finally started work on my Infinity contingent. The test model:

To the left.

To the left.

To the right.

To the right.

The main wash is still drying so she has more of a wet look than she will when finished.

I’ve been debating their color scheme for some time.  Ideally I think I’d want a very clean look, with a bright bright yellow and a bright bright white. But that would take a lot of work to do well. But I think this scheme will grow on me. The bases are going to be a brighter green than my usual, which will help make the model pop. At a minimum it achieved the objective of using brighter colors than my 40k models, almost literally none of the same paints, and being fairly fast to do.

Details are:

  • Primer: Army Painter spray white
  • Armor & Head: Averland Sunset x2, wash with Casandora Yellow
  • Body: Ceramite White; pick out pads, holsters, and straps with Dheneb Stone; buckles with Leadbelcher; wash with Seraphim Sepia
  • Gun: Midnight Blue, pick out cartidges and barrels with Leadbelcher, wash with Nuln Oil
  • Visor: Midnight Blue, Enchanted Blue centerline


Also, I’m going to have to work on not defaulting to male pronouns given that a whole bunch of Infinity models, like this one, are female.

40k: Praetors In Progress

Kingbreakers' leadership loses its head(s)...

Kingbreakers’ leadership loses its head(s)…

It’s a small thing, but Angholan’s base I’m particularly happy with (dude on the left). A long established part of his deal is that he, sergeant at the time, was crushed in a building collapse in the fall of Forestway to the Legio Apex, and was the last man recovered from the rubble by the Imperial Fists before the planet was declared Exterminatus. Much of that was inspired by the much slimmer build of his previous Emperor’s Champion model, the idea being that he was completely shattered and after being rebuilt from the boots up isn’t bulked out like a standard Marine.

Previously I’d never come up with some appropriate site for that keystone event. What would be worth not just him and his squad sacrificing themselves, but then the Fists doing a final sweep right before bombarding the planet?

Then the obvious answer hit me out of the blue the other day: The gene-seed vault in the Kingbreakers’ chapter monastery. Clearly the whole chapter would be willing to bring the house down on top of themselves rather than risk Nurgle Chaos Marines getting their slimy hands on it. It would also make sense for the Fists, in the process of evacuating whoever and whatever they could from Forestway in its last moments, to do a last check there to see if there was anything salvageable.

That detail about the vault doesn’t really show up, but that’s the story on the base. It’s a bit of broken wall and a balcony statuette from some Cityfight bits I have from building terrain at Redcap’s, with some sprue shavings sprinkled on, representing his rise from the rubble in that foundational story of him & the chapter.

I’d say the knife’s there crossed with the death’s head eagle to represent a life of constant struggle and fighting to the death for the Imperium, but it’s probably just about stabbin’ dudes/daemons.

40k: Legion Praetors on the Drying Rack

My first ever order of Forge World stuff came in recently, just some infantry dudes in a group order Redcap’s organized. These Praetors will be the first to go together.

Capt Angholan, all washed up.

Capt Angholan, all washed up.

They actually seemed totally clean, but I figure if you’re going to get Forge World you should go through the whole process of washing off the mold release agent and so on. Mold lines, flash, and such also seem pretty good. The big thing that will have to be done is straightening out a slightly warped sword.

The Terminator styled guy is going to become new, epic-styled Captain Angholan. The Emperor’s Champion model I use now works well but its particularly slim cut and my very very minor conversions don’t convey well his stat line, particularly the 3++ Invulnerable, and weapons, particularly the Heavy Flamer. More importantly, though the paint job is pretty reasonable, it could really use some washing to bring out the depths a bit and tone down the shinyness in photos, but I can’t bring myself to go back and rework him at all.

I’m not sure yet what I’ll do with this other model. They’re not super posable or convertible, so options are a touch limited. The leading candidate right now is Sergeant for a Command Squad.

Forge World's preview photo.

Forge World’s preview photo.