Relicblade March 2025

Relicblade Gladiator Arena

“TWO MEN ENTER, ONE MA—err… three pigmen, an ogre, two soldiers, a barbarian, a sabretooth cat, a lizardman, a samurai, and another barbarian… <double checks> ENTER, … <counting> FOUR OF THEM LEAVE!”

The local Lord of Darkness and his Aug-Suul henchtrolls have captured several parties of adventurers and thrown them into the arena to battle for their freedom! Also, the visiting ~~̶G̶a̶n̶d̶a̶l̶f̶~~ err ~~̶F̶i̶z̶b̶a̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶F̶a̶b̶u̶l̶o̶u̶s̶~~ err White Wizard Numero Uno is horrified yet intrigued to discover the evening’s entertainment is NOT simply a skeleton cabaret as he had let himself be led to believe.

A scenario made up on the fly to utilize this ~~̶a̶w̶e̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶P̶l̶a̶y̶m̶o̶b̶i̶l̶ ̶c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶r̶e̶n̶’̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶y̶~~ very serious historical wargaming terrain. A rack of powerful relic weapons is at arena center. Captured adventurers start chained to rocks, with one party member waiting in the entrance tunnel to be permitted in as reinforcements. Monsters appear every turn from underground entrances around the circle. Disabling a monster grants a favor thrown from the crowd (small items, potions, etc). Killing a monster is one point, destroying a character two points, and the party with most points at game end earns the appreciation of the Lord of Darkness and is granted their freedom.

Mechanically we could maybe tweak this a little. Two of the three players (Jesse and I) just wound up in a huge scrum in the middle. Though, to be fair, the other player (Jake) simply walked carefully around avoiding the scrum to kill monsters, gain points, and win the scenario. So maybe the mechanics worked great and the two scrummers are just stubborn and dumb?

Thematically it was pretty cool. To paraphrase Jesse: “Time for all those Latin classes to shine! <starts discoursing at length on the layout and construction of the Colliseum>”

In any event: <SPOILER ALERT> The Lord of Darkness lied (!!!) and at the end sent all the warriors down into the pits anyway because THEY ARE THE MONSTERS NOW.

Infinity Spring League: Rnd 1

Toward the start of the game.

Played my first game as Druze Bayram Security on Friday, in my Infinity league match against Lovell. It was fun playing something different after fielding solely Shock Army the past 9 months. On the downside, I was busier than expected last week and barely prepped models—the last one I needed got glued to its base literally the moment Lovell arrived. I haven’t fielded unpainted models in a long time, and gave up a lot of soft points for it.

Partly to limit prep time and partly for awesome, I took an Anaconda backed by a Druze & Brawler fireteam, plus cheap bots for orders and domination points. Lovell did pretty much the same thing with his Spiral Corps, creating a Kiel-Saan versus Anaconda slugfest. I played first and was able to use the terrain to alternate between the Anaconda and the Druze team taking down targets threatening the other as they moved up board. I got a little too cautious in the final showdown with the Kiel-Saan and didn’t move units far enough up to reach Lovell’s DZ, but still claimed a Druze victory.

Other thoughts:

  • I don’t usually think much of one point upgrades, but Fatality 1 (both the Druze Shock Teams and the Anaconda TAG have this) mattered a bunch of times. A Combi-Rifle in a fireteam with an X-Visor and Fatality 1 is a very good weapon on RECON+ boards.
  • However, it’s tough to make good RECON+ lists with Druze. They don’t have enough cheap options to generate orders. Military Orders is probably in the same spot now that they don’t have Fusiliers.
  • One criteria for evaluating and guiding terrain setup that often gets overlooked but is especially important in domination missions is ensuring there are paths for 40mm and 55mm bases to move around.
  • The game was a good reminder that HI and TAGs are tough, but not that tough. They still can’t stand in the open without getting quickly whittled down even by small arms, which the Kiel-Saan was reminded of forcefully.

Always fun playing Lovell, and I was pumped to finally get Druze on the table after they’d been sitting on my shelf for sixteen months… Looking forward to prepping more models for Round 2!

List for Round 1.