
Poking around TIGSource recently I came across this site:

The gallery of pixel art there is well worth checking out.  It’s definitely not the usual, and a lot of it is all of haunting, intriguing, super strange, and beautiful.

Also, I’m not sure about Cellusious’ relationship with the root page on that host, but it’s also worth checking out.

Perfect Crime

I’m not actually a huge fan of The Office in practice, and haven’t actually watched hardly any episodes.  But I do love the concept and character sketches and think it often produces brilliant moments.  This is one of them:

Dwight Schrute’s perfect crime.

What’s interesting to me though is what a good, albeit ridiculous, story just this little snippet makes.  Further, the typography of that picture above does a great job capturing the energy and motion of it entirely within some static text.  This takes it even further, to dynamic text and music, and has more drama and pathos than a lot of big budget movies I’ve seen:

Redcap’s Corner Update

Having been away all summer, last week was my first chance to head over and check out Redcap’s new location at 36th and Lancaster.  It must have been kind of bittersweet for the guys to move, having sunk all that work into updating the previous space.  It’s almost certainly for the best though, this is a much bigger venue.  Quick observations:

  • The retail space got a lot bigger, and they’ve filled it with all awesome stuff.  The 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Warmachine, and Reaper/miscellaneous miniatures selections have gotten pretty large.  The boardgame selection has become very substantial.

    View down the length of the main space. That is indeed a wall of boardgames to the left. Out of sight are several bookcases of boardgames to the right…


    Warmachine stock.

  • The main gaming space is as big as before.  There’s a large number of tables for cards and standard boardgames, plus a handful of double tables for miniatures and big boardgames.


  • The previous loft became two or three private rooms for role playing and miniatures.  I believe the guys are keeping these generally locked but available for regular groups looking for quieter space.
  • There’s now separate men’s and women’s bathrooms, each bigger and nicer than the old one.
  • They’ve both constructed and purchased a bunch of terrain.  There’s little reason to bring any for a typical night anymore.  Most of it is at least playable, and some of it’s actually really good.

Pile of terrain.

One of several bookcases filled with terrain.

One of the miniatures tables.

All in all, it’s pretty sweet to see the store seemingly doing well, there was a seemingly substantial crowd in there Sunday evening.