More characters for the Lone Guard and the Advocate.
All models spray primed with Wraithbone.
Lady Aurelia
- Metal
- Black Legion [Contrast]
- Silver (chainmail, arm segments) or Gold (sword hilt, cloak clasp) heavy drybrush
- Gold bits and lower elements (forearms, calves, etc) washed with Agrax Earthshade [Shade]
- N.B.: No wash on foreground elements (helmet, gloves, primary armor)
- Cloak
- Frostheart [Contrast]
- Drakenhof Nightshade [Shade] recesses
- Sword
- Wraithbone
- Pylar Glacier [Contrast]
- Blue Green (Vallejo) edges, roughly
- Wraithbone drybrush centerline
- White (Vallejo) centerline
- Blue Green (Vallejo) drybrush glow
- Potion
- Luxion Purple [Contrast] spill
- Pylar Glacier [Contrast] bottle
- Sword, bottle, and spilled potion glossed up w/ Ardcoat after varnishing w/ Stormshield
- Helmet
- Black Legion [Contrast]
- Silver heavy drybrush
- Agrax Earthshade [Shade]
- Chainmail, bill, etc
- Black Legion [Contrast]
- Silver heavy drybrush
- Ratling Grime [Contrast]
- Wyldwood [Contrast] staff
- Shyish Purple [Contrast] pants
- Gore-grunta Fur [Contrast] booties
- Flesh Tearers Red [Contrast] shirt
- Guilliman Flesh [Contrast] skin
- Apothecary White [Contrast] mustache
- Darkoath Flesh [Contrast] baguette
- Plaguebearer Flesh [Contrast] cheesewheel
- Hair
- Soulblight Grey [Shade] wash
- Wraithbone drybrush
- Guilliman Flesh [Contrast] many times for skin
- Shield
- Imperial Fist [Contrast]
- Black Legion [Contrast]
- Nazdreg Yellow [Contrast]
- Garaghak’s Sewer [Contrast] back
- Silver rim
- Cloak
- Ironjaw Yellow [Contrast] exterior
- Nazdreg Yellow [Contrast] interior
- Casandora Yellow [Shade] recesses
Basic steps for all the bases:
- Rocks
- Skavenblight Dinge
- Astrogranite [Technical]
- Agrax Earthshade [Shade] coat
- Agrax Earthshade [Shade] recesses
- Ground
- Wyldwood [Contrast]
- Stirland Mud [Technical]
- Flat Earth drybrush
- Averland Sunset drybrush
- German Camouflage Black Brown (Vallejo) rims