I finally assembled my Pan-Oceanic Military Orders starter box.
Good thing they look awesome, ’cause they were a huge pain in the ass to assemble. For one thing, metal. Bleh. For another, what the hell is up with the little radio antennas on their heads? Those are each separate little tiny pieces. The models consist of the entire body, the gun arm, and… that tiny little ridiculous piece, literally as big as a grain of rice. If they couldn’t be molded integrally with the head and body, why not make a whole separate head? That’d be more poseable and way less fiddly than trying to glue those in. Hopefully all their arms don’t fall off the first time I go to play, though that’s definitely going to happen.
At any rate, at least this box is all done now. In no way am I looking forward to assembling more of these, and I’m not sure at all what colors or approach I’m going to take in painting these guys, but definitely am eager to give the game a whirl.