I’m already committed for a ton of modeling and painting projects through the next year. Not the least of those is fielding a fully painted force for the upcoming PAGE Apocalypse. I’m so close, so close! In gearing up for all those projects I’ve been acquiring some more tools that should speed up or improve various tasks, and reworking some of the organization of my hobby tools & materials. In line with that, I have a new article up about how my paintbox is built & organized.
One of the interesting side observations coming out of this very visible organizational scheme is an instant visual look at the palette I’ve used and developed over time, not just on any particular model. When you look at my default muted aesthetic, particularly the color schemes on the Kingbreakers, Kingbreakers Ghosts, and Forest Guard, it makes a lot of sense that I basically have as many browns as all other colors combined, much of it driven by the wasteland basing on the Kingbreakers and friends.
The other observation is that I have a ton of paints and especially washes hovering just short of being empty, that “Refills” column is plenty full. Guess I should get to it and paint some stuff!