1500pt 40k League in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I’ve been posting this around various fora, but just in case this catches anyone else in the Philadelphia area:Redcap’s Corner Gaming Store in Center City/West Philly is starting up a monthly 40k league, beginning next week. Basic idea:

  • Everyone is encouraged to come Thursdays at 6pm, which will be set aside for 40k, but matches may be played at the store any time.
  • Reg is $5 or a $15 purchase for each one month round, with store credit going to the top two finishers.
  • 1500pt armies, you must use the same codex throughout the round but can use different lists. Missions are based on the standard ones with some extra victory conditions.
  • Best 4 matches each month count toward your results.

Mission scenarios, rules summary (everything but obscure details like what if a new codex comes out), and so on are available here:


I’m planning on being there each Thursday in June to get this off the ground, so I hope others will join me as well!