A number of people in the local area have come across Matt L’s polar board by this point, given that I borrow it frequently for special events. Some of the larger glacial pieces and ice caves make it really quite striking. We played a short game last Friday playtesting one of the missions for the Combat Patrol tournament, and I thought I would post up a few pics to show the board in its true glory, with his matching IG Valhallan army. One of the many awesome things about Matt’s work is the consistency and how everything really ties together. For example, check out in the background of some of the pics: He’s got ice blue dice to go with this army (and board), just like he has a block of orange dice to go with his rusted orange Legio Apex Nurgle-oriented Chaos Marine army. A small detail, but a serious focus on overall aesthetics!

Our Friday board. We left out a lot of the bigger pieces so I could transport it to the tournament more easily, but it worked well and had a really neat ampitheatre looking piece that fit the mission well.

The Valhallan's Sentinel, which paid dearly for his early gambit to take out the Kingbreakers' lead transport.
A few more photos are available in the Flickr gallery.