In the interest of collecting some rules for small engagements, here are the rules used for the Bracknell Forest Gamers Escalation ’09 Tournament.
The tournament is held Escalation fashion, with a force being added for each of four rounds: Patrol, Raid, Army, and Reserve. Forces consist of up to 500 points each. Each must be comprised of complete units; they may not fill out units already introduced in previous rounds.
- Patrol Force Organization Chart
The opening Patrol force is restricted to the following:
- Must have 1 Troop unit, and may have up to 4 Troops total, 1 HQ, 2 Elite, 2 Fast Attack, and 1 Heavy Support.
- No vehicles may have total armor value more than 33 (F+S+R).
- No model may have a 2+ save.
- No model may have more than 2 wounds, except units with the Small Target USR.
- No model may have an ordinance weapon.
- May not include special characters or Imperial Assassins.
In the later rounds, the combined forces must comply to standard Force Organization charts.
Each player must provide two appropriate objective markers, on 40mm bases.
Besides the obvious dice, minis, rules, etc., some additional good notes on things to take to the tournament include:
- A tray for quickly moving armies between tables.
- Official GW and Tournament FAQs!!!
- Super glue for last minute repairs.