Our unofficial, lightweight Infinity miniatures campaign The Gifts of Dr. Tokh has been posted. Get to skirmishing!
Tag Archives: infinity
Kolony Funded!
Our Kolony Kickstarter campaign funded! We’ll be working on a whole new collection of 3D printable 28mm sci-fi terrain.
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Kolony Launched!
We’ve launched a new Kickstarter campaign to produce 3D printable 28mm terrain: Kolony. A sizable portion of the collection is already complete, with samples available on Thingiverse. The campaign also has a great intro video. Check it out!
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Data Targets Funded!
Our Data Targets Kickstarter campaign has successfully funded! We’ll be producing objective markers for all the backers, and the STL files are already available on DriveThruRPG to print at home.
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Data Targets Launched!
Our Data Targets Kickstarter campaign is well underway! The funding target was hit within a few hours of launch, and backers continue to trickle in. We look forward to producing many sets of these 3D printed wargaming objectives! Those with their own 3D printer may get the STLs for these great pieces via DriveThruRPG.
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